Grind the inner-flesh to a powder and smoke (My personal favorite method), either alone or mixed with a smokable herb
Grind to a powder and then mix with a drink
Bake, Cook, or Sautee and directly consume the bean
How to Use African Dream Beans
What are they?
African Dream Beans (Entada Rheedii), also known as African Dream Herb, is a seed with many purposes, ranging from jewelry to spirituality. One of the most well-known uses of this special seed pertains to the dream-world. African traditional medicine would often use these seeds to induce vivid dreams, enabling communication with the spirit world. This dream tool is known to create much more prophetic and meaningful dream experiences than other dream herbs. Of course, there are many different factors that influence dream-intensity, so its never a guarantee that any given night will be lucid after using this.
So I've received the beans. How do I use it??
Great question! First, the beans need to be smashed open. You can use a hammer, mortar and pestle, or any other blunt object. Once its opened, you will find a white meaty inner-flesh. You then have a few options on how to proceed:
All of these method are to be done at night an hour or two before going to sleep. There is little literature regarding the proper dosage, so you can start small and go up to a full bean. When using the smoking method, I take around 4-5 hits before going to sleep.