What is a Spiritual Awakening?

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

The term "spiritual awakening" gets thrown around a lot, though many are entirely unaware of what this concept refers to. After an experience that I had in March 2020, I became very interested in the subject and did my best to understand, contextualize, and integrate my experience.
It's very difficult to put the experience into words, but I'll do my best:
A spiritual awakening is an event that happens cross-culturally throughout all of history, in which one undergoes a mental overhaul in which they intuitively "understand" deep wisdom about themselves and the universe, which can range from deeper insights into ones thought patterns, to complex insights into the metaphysics of reality. These "understandings" are mostly universal among those who have this experience, and each major religion at their core expresses these same views, albeit through their cultural lens. Meditation over time will also bring these same understandings.
A few of these insights:
-The universe is one conscious, infinite thing in which we are all basically ports of awareness that it experiences itself through. Therefore "I" is an illusion and we are literally all one. This concept is referred to as nonduality and is central to buddhism, hinduism, kabbalism, daoism hermeticism, and basically all mystical branches of major religions. This is what religious people mean when they say "I am one with god". Many experiments in quantum physics have also proven many of these concepts.
-Consciousness is fundamental to reality, and by experiencing, we are creating reality.
-Everything is made from energy, and all this energy is recycled. We are fleeting energy, and there is no true separation. You never die because you are the totality of the system.
-Past and future do not exist and cannot be experienced, all that is real is the present awareness.
Those points may seem kind of abstract, though when you have an awakening experience, your perspective takes a drastic shift and its like you are living in a different world. It changes the very foundation of how you view everything and spurs a transformation in your mind and spirit that you can tangibly feel.
This awakening may happen over time or suddenly, and can be triggered by painful events or can spontaneously occur without a trigger. The experience is certainly a wild, crazy trip.
If this experience happens to you, do not fear. There have been many who have had this experience. It is recommended to have some form of spiritual support during this, especially if you are unprepared. If you are experiencing this and struggling to understand it, feel free to contact me through the "contact us" section of the site and I would love to have a chat.
With love,
Jack Delamater
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